Whats More Cost Effective Continuous Heating or on When Home From Work

One of the advantages of heading out to work is not having to keep your house heated all day. During cooler months, when we're wanting to turn up the thermostat, one thing that we have to bear in mind as homeworkers is how to keep warm and costs down when we're working from home all day.
If you don't want to spend the day hugging a radiator or dressed like a Michelin man, here are a few things which can help you keep warm and costs down when you work from home.
We look at:
- Cutting your tax bill
- Heating your home
- Heating your office
- Keeping yourself warm
- Extra ways to cut costs
Claiming for costs: Simplified Expenses
First, it's worth remembering that you do get some help come tax time. You can, as a self-employed person, claim a certain amount for your utilities if you work from home. Using simplified expenses, you can claim a flat rate (up to £26 per month) depending on how many hours you've worked from your main place of residence.
Equally, if you live at your business premises (eg you run a bed and breakfast), you can also deduct a certain amount for your personal use of the premises.
You can also work out the actual cost, rather than using the flat rate of simplified expenses. HMRC have a checker on their website where you can work out which makes sense for you.
Environmental cost
It's not only money we might be trying to save, but limiting our impact on the environment as well. While we might not add to the congestion or pollution on the roads, we are adding to the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere through the extra heating.
It's estimated that by raising our thermostat by just 1°C, we are pumping out roughly an extra 320kg of carbon dioxide.
Lowering the thermostat
The US Department of Energy estimates that you can save up to 10% of your energy bill by turning the thermostat down 7°-10° F (approx 3°-5.5° C). That's fine if you're heading out for the day but not that comfortable if you need to stay in.
However, lowering the thermostat by just 1°C can, according to the Energy Saving Trust reduce your energy bill by roughly £80. If you're prepared to stick on an extra jumper, reducing your room temperature from 19°C to 18°C could go towards that accountant's fee come tax return time.
Keeping your room warm when you work from home
There are also some other ways to heat your room without cranking up the thermostat.
Economical rug warmer
One innovative product we love is Rug Buddy which is one of several sustainable home office items you can find.
This is the electric blanket for your room. Placed under your rug, it keeps your feet toasty and heats the room without the need for ramping up the temperature gauge.
Perfect for a small home office or even a conservatory. The under rug heater gently warms the room but importantly gives you warmth where you need it without having to spend a lot of money on heating the whole room or house.
You can find Rug Budddy and other home office items on our shop page in The Homeworker Hub.

Draught Exclusion
Possibly not the most glamorous item for your shopping list but you can get some very fun and cuddly ones draught excluders. You can also get some stylish options to complement your home decor.
On a practical level, they stop that pesky draught that's blowing under your door and turning your feet to blocks of ice and of course, they help prevent heat loss and save on the energy bills.
A curtain across a door is another way to help prevent heat loss. Just as you would use a curtain at a window, having an extra layer between your room and outside can make the room cosier and retain heat. Researchers at Salford found drawing the curtain can help reduce heat loss by more than 15%.

Insulating your home
Making sure your home is properly insulated is a longer-term investment but if working from home is to be a longer-term situation, it might be worth exploring.
Adding cavity wall insulation is, according to Which? one of the best ways to prevent heat loss from your home and can pay for itself within five years through savings to your energy bills.
Extra loft, roof, or floor insulation can also help as well as measures such as adding double or triple glazing.

How to stay warm when you work from home
Clothing: Layering Up
Wearing multiple layers will keep you warmer because of the trapped air between each layer of clothing, which provides extra insulation.
Although we're not going on a mountain hike (although sometimes the workday might feel that way), it's worth knowing a few tricks from the outdoor enthusiasts.
Adding a base layer to your outfit is really going to help you stay warm. If you're not exerting yourself and sweating a lot, then a cotton layer is ok – but bear in mind it absorbs any sweat so won't wick away moisture if you start getting a bit clammy!
Silk is a really good option as it's soft and light and easy to wear under normal clothes so a nice silk vest or cami would work well but it can be more expensive.
If you feel the cold a lot and your house is quite cold and draughty, merino wool makes a great layering option.
These days there are lots of sustainable clothing options that can work well with layering.
Embrace the fact nobody has to see you and get yourself some lovely thermal tights as well!
Hand warmers
The extremities are often the first to feel cold so a pair of thermal socks is a good idea for the feet. However, if you suffer from cold hands and fingers, there are a few items on the market that can help you.
• USB hand warmers – gloves powered by your computer! These USB heated gloves can keep your hands warm and still allow you to type! Check them out here on Amazon*.
• Heated desk pads – warm your hands and desk area with this heated pad for your desk top and mouse. This one on Amazon has three heat levels and automatic shut-off.*
Of course, if you want to go simple and spend less money, fingerless gloves are a good way to keep you warm but allow you to still work.
*Amazon affiliate link.
Get active
One thing that's easy to succumb to when working from home is not moving. It isn't just a lack of exercise but really not moving at all apart from our fingers to type, text, scroll and perhaps occasionally gesticulate with frustration.

Sitting in one position for several hours can leave you feeling stiff and aching even with the best ergonomics. It is not great for our posture, our backs and right now, our warmth.
Keep warm when you work from home with some simple exercising and get the blood flowing into those extremities with regular movement. A little jog on the spot and a few arm circles can do the trick. Or some simple stretching and weights can help to get your heart pumping and shift your energy.
You'll start the blood circulating, prevent pooling and it'll help you to warm up as well. Just remember to not sit in a sweaty mess afterwards!
You can find plenty of quick home workouts to fit into your day inside The Homeworker magazine. Subscribe for regular insights into how to stay focused, productive and healthy with each digital quarterly issue. All the back issues come as part of your subscription.
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Bottles and blankets
Cheap, effective, and keeps you cosy. Most of us have a hot water bottle somewhere in the house for those cold nights. Make use of it in your office to keep you warm when you work at home.
A heat pack or hottie can be placed on your lap, or even under a jumper!
It's simple but it works.
A throw or cosy blanket is also useful. Have one over your knees for extra warmth.
Keeping warm with food and drink
One way people think of automatically to warm up when at home is by drinking a hot drink or having a hot meal.
These do provide some comfort and can give you the impression of being warmer. However, most studies show that the effect on your body is minimal.
A human body is mostly composed of water so putting in one cup of tea won't dramatically change your temperature balance but warming food and drink can certainly help you feel warm from the inside out.
Keeping costs down when you work from home
Here are a few extra tips to help you save money when you're trying to keep warm when you work from home.
• Use a flask: If you're an avid tea or coffee drinker, keep a flask of hot drink on your desk. This will save you a few pennies every day by not having to boil the kettle several times a day.
• Curtains: The home office might not be where you think to put a thick curtain. You might just have a thin blind or no window dressing at all but curtains can help to keep the heat in and insulate your room.
• Seal your chimney: If you have an open fireplace that you no longer use, you can seal it up to prevent draughts and prevent heat loss.

The Homeworker is a beautifully-designed magazine packed with expert tips, ideas, articles, and interviews to help you work from home in a more productive and healthy way. If you loved these tips then you will find more in-depth articles and a wide range of content inside each issue.
The print issue is a coffee-table style magazine that will serve as a guide to working at home with confidence and clarity for years to come.
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Source: https://www.thehomeworker.com/how-to-keep-warm-and-costs-down-when-you-work-from-home/
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