what text to speech does the emperor use
"Most FUCKING Fourth dimension. I HAVE Then MANY THINGS TO COMPLAIN Virtually." [ane]
The Emperor of Mankind (formerly known as the Holy God-Emperor of Mankind, now the Manly Human-Emperor of Mankind)[2] is the eponymous main character of If The Emperor Had a Text-To-Speech Device, and a key effigy in Warhammer 40,000 lore. After 10 k years of silence, the Emperor is able to speak to his subjects again - and is very displeased with what they've done to his Imperium.
- 1 Official Catechism
- 1.1 Great Cause
- 1.two Horus Heresy
- ii TTS Canon
- 3 Personality
- 5 Gallery
- 6 References
Official Catechism [ ]
Long forgotten in Terra's distant past, the man who would go known equally the Emperor was born from the thousands of souls of aboriginal human shamans, who sacrificed themselves in a drastic bid to outwit the nascent Chaos Gods. The issue was a man beingness of incredible psychic prowess and virtual immortality, likewise as the collective wisdom of the shamans. This being would go the secret guardian of mankind, guiding it from the shadows equally it developed into a mighty interstellar race and established itself in the galaxy.
But when the Age of Strife brought the human interstellar empire crashing down, in no small role thanks to the Chaos Gods, the guardian knew that he had no choice just to take directly action. Therefore, he took it upon himself to become mankind'south leader and began his program to foil Chaos once and for all.
Great Crusade [ ]
Using his army of Thunder Warriors, the progenitors of the Space Marines, the Emperor reunited the warring factions of Terra. However, his plans meant reuniting all of humankind, and then he needed a new army with new generals to pb them. Thus he created the 20 Primarchs - genetically engineered sons based on his own genetic code, each with their ain unique strengths. Once again, yet, the Chaos Gods intervened and scattered the newborn Primarchs across the milky way. The Emperor brought his new Space Marine legions with him to be reunited with their Primarchs and embarked on the Great Crusade to reunite the galaxy.
Horus Heresy [ ]
Every bit each Primarch was somewhen institute, trouble began brewing among their ranks. Not all Primarchs got along, and the Emperor needed to return to Terra to start working on the Webway of Flesh. Thus he appointed Horus, his most decorated and capable son, as the Warmaster to lead the Great Crusade instead. This proved to be his undoing, as Chaos slowly began to corrupt the Warmaster, leading him to have half of the Primarchs and legions in a terrible war called the Horus Heresy.
The civil state of war finally ended at the Siege of Terra, where the Emperor personally dueled with Horus. Later on the heroic sacrifices of his son Sanguinius and a single guardsman named Ollanius Pius, the Emperor succeeded in defeating Horus, only was mortally wounded in the process. He was since interred on the Golden Throne, artificially keeping him alive so that his soul continues to hold back Anarchy from consuming the milky way.
At that place he'due south saturday silent for the past x,000 years as the Imperium he dedicated himself to building slowly decayed. A religion dedicated to him was created in the intervening years, and he has since been rechristened every bit the God-Emperor of Mankind. The Golden Throne that keeps him alive requires constant sacrifices of psykers, but fifty-fifty then both the Throne and his own soul are slowly coming apart. If his body finally dies, Terra will be destroyed and mankind will be doomed forever.
TTS Canon [ ]
In a monologue, the Emperor reveals that some of his past personas included the likes of Moses, as well as Chris-Chan. The latter was an endeavor to convince people to do something with their lives, simply in the finish all they did was mock him.[three]
At the request of Helm-General Kitten, a Text-To-Voice communication device was successfully installed into the Golden Throne to let the Emperor to speak.[ane] This device allows the Emperor to advisedly manipulate the stasis field effectually his body and interpret those movements into words.[four] His commencement words after millennia of silence was to berate his subjects for undermining everything that he had worked towards, having perceived much, though non all, of what had transpired in his internment, especially the constant chanting of the Ultramarines.[1]
Still unable to interact directly outside of the throne room, the Emperor had Kitten tell him of everything that had come up to pass since the Siege of Terra.[i] His first orders were to call for the immediate disbanding of the Inquisition and Ecclesiarchy; the one-time because its members had get also corrupt and insane to do their jobs of safeguarding humanity from Chaos properly, and the latter because he continued to hate religion, especially one centered on himself.[5] Despite not wanting to exist worshiped every bit a God, he still refers to himself as a "God-Like Being" and compares himself to the Chaos and Eldar Gods, and how superior he is to them.[6]but he agreed to exist worshipped and to be humanity,s spiritual conservancy. Because it is mutually beneficial and because he already is.
While his sons were gradually returning to the fold (the first being Magnus the Carmine, who was abducted past the Ultramarines)[seven], the Emperor busied himself with convoluted and hole-and-corner plans to restore the Imperium to its former glory. A fundamental part of this program involved Fyodor Karamazov; at first, information technology appeared that he was going to dispose of the mad inquisitor and most of the Inquisition with him, but in reality, he was to be used as a vessel for a shard of his soul that was lost in the warp. Fyodor merged with the Star Kid, becoming an extension of his own will and leading the Inquisition alongside the recently plant Leman Russ. [viii]
Personality [ ]
Often heard complaining, the Emperor of Mankind is well-nigh often seen being angry, upset, or even just mildly annoyed at any given topic that is brought upward. The Emperor himself is extremely foul-tempered equally shown past his very starting time act in the serial, which is to phonation his displeasure and desire to complain near multiple subjects. Indeed he seems to have a pathological desire to complain as shown past his desire to have question and respond sessions just then the frustration of reading the stupid questions from his citizens will put him "back into residuum." Most likely to distract himself from the abiding pain of his living death, or the depression from his family unit breaking apart.
On top of that, the Emperor is besides extremely arrogant with an insane corporeality of pride in his ain unique nature, and how he is a flawless existence who never makes any mistakes, often shifting the blame onto others. He loudly complains nearly how nearly everyone apart from himself exists on varying spectrums of incompetence, such as when he blames the entire state of the 41st millennium on Magnus the Reddish.[9] In add-on, he is as well extremely hypocritical and will often become to farthermost lengths to announced every bit infallible, fifty-fifty backtracking over things he previously said and denying or ignoring that he said them, such as when he forgave Magnus (slightly) for what he did.[vii] Oft when he endorses something or someone terrible unknowingly, he will refuse to retract his compliment even when presented with large amounts of bear witness that said matter is considerately awful and will try to justify such negative aspects equally reasonable; unwilling to acknowledge he had made a mistake. To cap this all of the Emperor is too extremely wrathful and has a rage that is truly terrifying when he is provoked, causing him to "crap out warp storms."[five] Nevertheless despite these faults the Emperor does ofttimes acknowledge some of his personality flaws (except his hypocrisy or power to brand mistakes) and excuses them equally he is permanently stuck on a life leeching throne, that is literally tearing his soul autonomously every unmarried second of every single twenty-four hours. The pain is and so intense that he describes it as "like a stubbed toe, but all over, and a chiliad times worse."[x]
However, the Emperor is decumbent to making jokes and seems to enjoy making fun of some of the less serious bug in the 41st millennium, or when he deliberately antagonizes someone just to badger them, such every bit when he told Magnus that "everything would be revealed in good fourth dimension," much to the latter's anger.[11] Indeed, the Emperor is besides prone to incredible childishness and pettiness behind many of his more apparently noble goals, often carrying them out for selfish or rather stupid reasons. For case, when he heard of the Necrons' World Engine, his commencement reaction was "I want one!"[12] Another time he used his strained psychic powers to 'flip the bird' to the entire milky way through the Astronomican or to drink tea. Though in those cases, they were as well opportunities for him to bond with Magnus.[13] Still, his humor is frequently self-serving with its target audience being purely for himself and making many people the barrel of his jokes (generally Magnus for his prior treachery). For example, he fabricated multiple chicken puns when Magnus came back with wings, equally Magnus had earlier predicted.[8]
He besides has had a very troubled love life, as most every adult female he'southward bedded ends up in critical status (though some did survive long enough to bear him biological children to his surprise).[vi] As such, the real reason for edifice flesh's webway was to get less shoddy Eldar prostitutes.[14] His living expiry has done lilliputian to abate his libido, as he eternally yearns for his missing "old bonerstrum."[six]
On the other hand despite being "grumpiness incarnate" and decumbent to both petty acts of self-serving humor. The Emperor is at his core a truly caring person, with his frustrations and anger often being born from his revulsion at how insane the 41st millennium is. Certain people accept hearts of gold, if this is true, The Emperor is a diamond-studded pure platinum and gold-hearted guy. Underneath his exterior of bitterness and snark, he has shown the adequacy to forgive despite his obvious frustrations with the character in question. Even when he volition loudly berate his own family to their faces, he still holds affection for them and feels heartbroken by their loss, such every bit when he believed that Kitten abandoned him because he felt taken for granted.[xv]
He cares for the whole of humanity as, despite his eternal frustration with the balance of his species inability to get past their own faults, he even so sees great potential in human beings and wants to uplift them to a nobler state of being.[10] He is surprisingly very patient despite his readiness to mutter at others, and undoubtedly wants to repair the Imperium as to spare mankind the suffering it has been going through, with this desire coming from a truly selfless place, considering he has yet to surrender on keeping the aureate throne running after 10,000 years.
The Emperor is capable of planning alee to a ludicrous degree. When Karamazov'south Inquisition came to Terra, he had spared Karamazov,[3] merely to have him and virtually of the Inquisition exiled into the Warp by Magnus the Crimson. Nonetheless, that was not the stop of it; earlier exiling him, the Emperor convinced Karamazov that he was a shard of the Emperor,[sixteen] so that when Karamazov entered the warp, the Star Child would fuse with him, thus allowing him to travel the galaxy once more.[17] Even the Inquisition's capture past the Dark Eldar was according to plan, every bit the Emperor intended to be there for the birth of Ynnead.[18] Also, even Magnus' attempts at fixing the Imperium by himself were part of the Emperor's plan, a fact which profoundly frustrated Magnus.[19] The Star Child also references his ability to plan ahead to an insane degree when Vect mentions the heat death of the universe. Responding with a chuckle "what you lot haven't planned that far ahead?"
The Emperor'southward egomania extends to his roleplaying; his grapheme is an Amazonian apprentice wizard that he named "The Celestial Shaman Queen," essentially a gender-inverted version of his prehistoric self. Despite her immense physical stature, her magic abilities were pitifully weak and prone to failure, generally due to bad dice rolls. Likewise, she is extremely uncharismatic, and her attempts to convince others to do equally she says often brand things worse. The Emperor's attempts to crook his way around bad die rolls atomic number 82 him to berate Magnus and his stupid game, leading to him and the other players rebelling against Magnus for being "a bad GM". Despite his character being critically wounded by the Gorger Lord, eventually, he got in a lucky roll and defeated the enemy with a sleep spell. After the game ended and Magnus tore upward the gamebook, the roleplay characters suddenly appeared in the throne room.[20]
Quotes [ ]
- "I am the Emperor. For millennia I take stridden beyond life carefully watching as the seed of what is to come has risen from its earthly barrows into the starlit sky. This seed, known as Mankind, I have existed along from the time of my nascence. I allow the seed grow, I nurtured information technology, did my best to accept information technology remain healthy and secure. Just, every bit information technology kept on growing, I could not keep upwards. I could not come with it, but could only lookout man from afar as its wellness deteriorated and vegetation grew dour. As I entered into the realm of the half-life the merely thing I could feel was despair. My work that I had driven to construct for such a long time had been obliterated in merely a mere moment. Flesh, my once pure seed, had fallen into the easily of sheer, corrosive, and preposterous prudence. And at no other time has this been displayed as intensely as this very moment. Because holy fucking shit these questions are the worst fucking shit I have e'er read! What ever became of mankind?" [21]
- "What a fucking nerd you are"
- "Build a dick, Rogal." [19]
- "The spanking of your ass shall be thorough and merciless, Rogal!"
- "At the point in time when bullets tin can pass through the inter-dimensional walls, when firepower takes up the entirety and eternity of space and time all beings stuck in a never-ending life and death cycle as bullets recover and destroy their bodies in quick succession, no ane able to think about anything but the sheer forcefulness of the bullets rapidly flying literally everywhere in the materium turning the warp itself into nothing but a sea of semi-automatic weaponry. And so, in that location will be enough Dakka. Or at to the lowest degree almost." [21]
Gallery [ ]
Emperor's angry cutout
Emperor's happy cutout
Emperor's Anatolia era cutout
Emperor'south Age of Strife era cutout
Emperor's Age of Strife era cutout proud
Emperor's best dad cutout
Emperor's angriest dad cutout
Emperor's Age of Strife era cutout thumbs-up
Emperor throne-bound thumbs-up cutout
Momperor cutout
Dadperor cutout
References [ ]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 ane.2 ane.3 Episode i: Ambrosial Centurion
- ↑ Episode 23: A Hairy Conundrum
- ↑ 3.0 3.one Episode 11: Intervention
- ↑ Episode 0: White Scars (Podcast)
- ↑ five.0 5.1 Episode 4: The Inquisition
- ↑ 6.0 six.1 vi.2 Episode 17: Emperor's Excellent Autobiography
- ↑ 7.0 vii.i Episode 13: The Fifteenth Son
- ↑ viii.0 8.ane Episode 27: A True cat to Yarn, A Bird to Folly
- ↑ Episode 5: Malcador the Hero
- ↑ 10.0 10.1 Episode xviii.5: Atrocious Answers
- ↑ Episode 14: Greatest of Psykers
- ↑ Episode 9: Necrons
- ↑ Episode nineteen: Warp Grumbling
- ↑ Episode 12: Primarch Pessimism
- ↑ Episode 22: Change
- ↑ Episode xviii: Banished Expectations
- ↑ Episode 26 Part 1: Hateful Feud at Khaine'southward Gate
- ↑ Episode 26 Part 2: Fear and Loathing in Commorragh
- ↑ 19.0 nineteen.1 Episode 27: A True cat to Yarn, A Bird to Folly
- ↑ Special half dozen: Tabletop Adventures
- ↑ 21.0 21.1 Episode 12.5: Atrocious Answers
Throne Room Cast |
The Emperor - Picayune Kitten - Magnus the Red Rogal Dorn - The Fabulous Custodes - Male child |
Source: https://if-the-emperor-had-a-texttospeech-device.fandom.com/wiki/The_Emperor
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